Anthony Farr

Anthony Farr

Anthony is the chief executive officer of the Allan & Gill Gray Philanthropy in Africa. Prior to this he was the founding chief executive officer of the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation from 2005 to 2017. He is a qualified Chartered Accountant.

Articles by Anthony Farr

Insights categories - Corporate citizenship

Allan Gray Orbis Foundation update 2017

By Anthony Farr on 20 Jul 2017

Reading time: 11 mins

It may be useful to reflect for a moment how unlikely it is that a small island of less than three million people can so completely dominate sprinting, the...

Insights categories - Corporate citizenship

Allan Gray Orbis Foundation: A decade into the journey

By Anthony Farr on 30 Jun 2015

Reading time: 7 mins

Ten years ago, in July 2005, the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation journey began. On reaching this milestone, Anthony Farr reflects on progress so far, acknowledgin...

Insights categories - Corporate citizenship

Pursuing entrepreneurial literacy

By Anthony Farr on 31 Dec 2014

Reading time: 8 mins

The Allan Gray Orbis Foundation's vision is to create responsible entrepreneurs for the common good. People often ask how the Foundation goes about selecting...

Insights categories - Corporate citizenship

Living a life of purpose

By Anthony Farr on 31 Dec 2013

Reading time: 9 mins

While a key intention of the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation is finding great talent and transforming it into exceptional accomplishment, it is essential that...

Insights categories - Corporate citizenship

2013 Q2 Allan Gray Orbis Foundation update

By Anthony Farr on 30 Jun 2013

Reading time: 9 mins

When one considers the importance of entrepreneurship in driving job creation, South Africa's very low level of entrepreneurial activity partly explains why...

Insights categories - Corporate citizenship

2012 Q2 Allan Gray Orbis Foundation update

By Anthony Farr on 30 Jun 2012

Reading time: 7 mins

Allan Gray Orbis Foundation is one of many organisations seeking to develop greater entrepreneurial capacity in their beneficiaries to effect change and...

Insights categories - Corporate citizenship

2011 Q4 Allan Gray Orbis Foundation update

By Anthony Farr on 31 Dec 2011

Reading time: 8 mins

The Allan Gray Orbis Foundation continues to work tirelessly in developing a new generation of high impact entrepreneurial leaders. Anthony Farr discusses so...

Insights categories - Corporate citizenship

2011 Q2 Allan Gray Orbis Foundation update

By Anthony Farr on 30 Jun 2011

Reading time: 7 mins

Increasing evidence points to the effect that high-impact individuals can have on an economy. With its focus on growing leaders and entrepreneurs, the Allan...

Insights categories - Corporate citizenship

2010 Q4 Allan Gray Orbis Foundation update

By Anthony Farr on 31 Dec 2010

Reading time: 6 mins

To achieve its vision of achieving 'long-term economic and societal wealth through the Allan Gray Fellows', Allan Gray Orbis Foundation needs to encourage...

Insights categories - Corporate citizenship

2010 Q2 The Allan Gray Orbis Foundation update

By Anthony Farr on 30 Jun 2010

Reading time: 5 mins

The middle of 2010 marks the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation's fifth birthday. While this is a significant milestone and the Foundation is satisfied with its ear...

Insights categories - Corporate citizenship

2009 Q4 Allan Gray Orbis foundation update

By Anthony Farr on 31 Dec 2009

Reading time: 8 mins

At the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation we have been given a rare opportunity to focus on individuals and invest in them over the long term. This long-term strate...


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